
 ICAIS’24 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Studies
"Future Trends in AI: Academy Meeting with Industry"
07.11.2024 - 09.11.2024
Gedık Unıversty Kartal Kampus


The International Artificial Intelligence Studies Conference, with the theme " Future Trends in AI: Academy Meeting with Industry", will be held simultaneously with the International Artificial Intelligence Fair between 07.11.2024 - 09.11.2024 at the Gedık Unıversty Kartal Kampus , in the form of face-to-face, poster, and online presentations.

We are looking forward to your scientific studies on the use of artificial intelligence in all disciplines at the International Artificial Intelligence Conference, which will be held simultaneously with the International Artificial Intelligence Fair to be held at the Gedık Unıversty Kartal Kampus .


Potential benefits the conference could provide:

• Collaboration and networking at the international level,

• Developing joint research projects with industry,

• Communicating directly with companies and organizations in the sector,

• Providing resources for your projects from industry leaders and practitioners,

• Increasing the recognition and prestige of your university in the sector and the academic world,

• Meeting experts in their fields,

• Discovering new technologies,

• Discovering potential research fields and business opportunities.


Key Dates

Deadline for Abstract Submission:     September 16, 2024

Notification for Accepted Papers/Abstracts:       September 20, 2024

Deadline for Registration Fee Payment    September 27, 2024

Deadline for Full Text Submission:    October 07, 2024

Conference Dates       November 07-09, 2024


All Abstracts and Full Texts need to be sent to the mail address before the deadlines.




  1. Information of all authors
  2. Between 250-350 words,
  3. At least 5 keywords,
  4. English abstract is mandatory for Turkish papers
  5. Click For Abstract

Full Text

- Manuscript Style: APA7th (
- Chapters should be written 10-18 pages long. 
- Margin of the paper: right 3.5 cm , top 2,5 cm , bottom 2,5 cm , left 2,5 cm
- In each paper there should be following section separately

                - Abstract with 5 Keywords 
                - Introduction 
                - Method 
                - Findings 
                - Conclusion 
                - Recommendations for Future Studies, 
                - References 

- Please put footnote for each author at the bottom of first page: Title, affiliation, name of the institution, country, institutional email, country, ORCID number should be written for each author in the footnote in the first page. An example:

Prof.Dr., Accounting and Finance, Business Administration Department, Faculty of Business Sciences and Economics, Trakya University, Edirne, TURKIYE, [email protected]

- Corresponding author should be mentioned in the footnote at the bottom of first page.

- Ethical issues for authors: If the following issues concern your chapter, place a footnote at the bottom of the first page.

  • If chapter is part of any thesis, or created from a thesis, it should be mentioned in the footnote at the bottom of first page. In this case, author’s name and surname of the thesis should shown as the first author. Name and surname of the thesis advisor should be written as second author.
  • If you used funds to write this chapter from any institution, please indicate the name of the institution from which you received the funds as a footnote at the bottom of the first page.
  • If this chapter has been previously published in another journal or book in any language, please write a description as a footnote at the bottom of first page.
  • If this chapter was presented at a conference in any language, please provide information at the bottom of the first page.

- Please provide 15 index words for your chapter. (technical words)

- Please provide similarity rate report of your chapter taken from Turnitin. Report should be taken after references have been taken out.

- Please provide recent biographies in English around 8-10 lines for each chapter. Please find an example;

Hilal Özen holds an honors degree in B.S. Business Administration from Hacettepe University (2004). Her M.S. (2007) and Ph.D. (2011) degrees are in Marketing from Istanbul University School of Business. She is currently an Associate Professor of Marketing in Trakya University. Her current research interests enthusiastically focus on digital marketing, e-health, social media marketing, tourism marketing, sustainability, and consumer decision making styles. She has published on these topics in various peer-reviewed journals and conference proceedings of international conferences. She has taught and still teaching courses: Principles of Marketing, Marketing Management, Research Methodology, Marketing Strategies, Current Issues in Marketing, Digital Marketing and Healthcare Marketing to all levels of business students: undergraduate, MS, MBA and executive MBA students. She is the co-founder of Coreborn Software and Digital Marketing Company and giving consultancy in digital marketing to customers.

- Please put footnote for each author at the bottom of first page: Title, affiliation, name of the institution, country, institutional email, country, ORCID number should be written for each author in the footnote in the first page. An example:

Prof.Dr., Accounting and Finance, Business Administration Department, Faculty of Business Sciences and Economics, Trakya University, Edirne, TURKIYE,

- Corresponding author should be mentioned in the footnote at the bottom of first page.

- Ethical issues for authors: If the following issues concern your chapter, place a footnote at the bottom of the first page.

  • If chapter is part of any thesis, or created from a thesis, it should be mentioned in the footnote at the bottom of first page. In this case, author’s name and surname of the thesis should shown as the first author. Name and surname of the thesis advisor should be written as second author.

  • If you used funds to write this chapter from any institution, please indicate the name of the institution from which you received the funds as a footnote at the bottom of the first page.

  • If this chapter has been previously published in another journal or book in any language, please write a description as a footnote at the bottom of first page.

  • If this chapter was presented at a conference in any language, please provide information at the bottom of the first page.

- Please provide 15 index words for your chapter. (technical words)

- Please provide similarity rate report of your chapter taken from Turnitin. Report should be taken after references have been taken out.

- Please provide recent biographies in English around 8-10 lines for each chapter. Please find an example;

Hilal Özen holds an honors degree in B.S. Business Administration from Hacettepe University (2004). Her M.S. (2007) and Ph.D. (2011) degrees are in Marketing from Istanbul University School of Business. She is currently an Associate Professor of Marketing in Trakya University. Her current research interests enthusiastically focus on digital marketing, e-health, social media marketing, tourism marketing, sustainability, and consumer decision making styles. She has published on these topics in various peer-reviewed journals and conference proceedings of international conferences. She has taught and still teaching courses: Principles of Marketing, Marketing Management, Research Methodology, Marketing Strategies, Current Issues in Marketing, Digital Marketing and Healthcare Marketing to all levels of business students: undergraduate, MS, MBA and executive MBA students. She is the co-founder of Coreborn Software and Digital Marketing Company and giving consultancy in digital marketing to customers.

Oral Presentation
1. File format: MS-PowerPoint (*.ppt)
2. Time: 15 mins, including Q/A time.
3. Language: English/Turkish
4. Font: Times New Roman
5, Facility: A laptop will be available in the conference room, presenters are suggested not use their own laptop.

6. Procedure: Copy the presentation file to conference laptop on the registration day. Contact the session chair(s) and introduce yourself to the session chair(s) before session starts. (Your paper ID, Name, Organization and Paper's title)

Poster Presentation
1. Poster Size: 1m*0.8m (height*width).
2. Language: English/Turkish
3. Color printing.
 The poster should include: Paper ID, Conference Name’s Acronym, Significance of the research, the methods used, the main results obtained, and conclusions drawn.
Poster Template
6. Posters are required to be condensed and attractive.
7. The conference organizer won't send/keep any posters after the conference.